Generative AI and immersive technologies in creative innovation processes

— Our methodological approach

We have developed several GPT foundations, specifically trained to be creative resources that complement your team, or mentors that guide the process. They can be activated or not independently, and respond to various uses…

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Strategic framing and alignment

  • Interactive document analysis to boost and maximize fine exploration of market context, brand, targets, and trends…

  • Formalizing the challenge in creative centaur mode, to diverge and converge on the right words, positions, and angles of attack to address a topic
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Idea generation

  • Assisted divergence to promote creative fluidity and flexibility

  • Generation of generic or ad hoc stimuli to foster out-of-the-box thinking

  • Interactive semi-automatic clustering to group ideas and bring out early concepts
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Formalization and consolidation of concepts

  • Editorial coaching or concept writing in creative centaur mode to boost emotional impact and differentiation

  • Creation agent to optimize rapid prototyping

  • Augmented personas to experiment with ideas among targets and maximize consumer-centricity

Observed benefits:

  • Enhanced perspective and more strategic creativity
  • Finer exploitation of available data

  • Ideas are produced faster and in greater numbers
  • More positive stimulation for teams during formalization/writing sessions

A fictional example of Hermès developed from publicly accessible data:

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